

Producer Image 1
Curio Spice Co., MA
City: Cambridge, MA,
About Us
We specialize in directly sourced, sustainably produced spices from around the world. We work hard to build relationships with farmers and share their stories with you. Our unique blends help tell these stories through their beautiful aromas and the depth of flavor they add to your food. Read our mission statement here.

We also specialize in rare and hard-to-find spices, tools and culinary gifts available at our storefront & curiosity cabinet in Cambridge, MA as well as here online. We offer bulk spices to restaurants and producers, as well as wholesale to specialty retailers.

Curio is a woman-owned benefit corporation, working to improve the lives of farmers and add value to our local community through educational events and classes.

Founder Claire Cheney is an adventurous, self-taught cook who has travelled throughout the world. Over the last ten years she's visited and worked on spice farms and communities in over a dozen countries sourcing the best spices to bring back to her native New England.